Somatic Healing Experiences

We have to feel it to heal it, and the only way to do that is through the body.

The body stores the trauma of our lives, affecting every part of our nervous system, often keeping us stuck in negative feedback loops and responses.

When we release this dense energy in the body through intentional breath, movement, and sound practices, we align our body, mind, spirit, and awareness in order to heal ourselves and create a deep sense of harmony.


“With each breath, I could feel the shackles of judgment I put on myself being released. So many shifts, moments of tears, laughter, and an amazing connection to my higher self.”

-Al Zabala

What is Shamanic Breathwork

Shamanic Breathwork is an ancient and sacred technology that allows us to access altered states of consciousness and tap into places deep within us that are beyond our conscious mind.

It is one of the most powerful ways to expand awareness and receive life-changing perception shifts. It can release dense energy, trauma, limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions, and negative habit loops that are stuck inside our nervous system and tissues.

The ceremonial container is a safe space where we can breathe life into places we have buried and avoided, so we can embody more peace, gratitude, joy, laughter, confidence, love, and so much more.

This is where we reconnect with our divinity and true power within

This is where healing and expansion are catalyzed

This is where we come back home

What To Expect

This sacred ceremony is guided by music and verbal prompts to amplify the journey into light and dark.

Shamanic tools such as drums, rattles, essential oils, feathers, and healing touch are incorporated to help move any energy that arises, and you will be held in a container of radical unconditional love with full permission to express whatever emotions that need to move through and out.... Rage, tears, laughter, etc. are all welcome here.

The container for this ceremony is held impeccably, with the utmost reverence for the depths of the places within you that may open. It is my soul's purpose to be the channel that ignites the alchemy within this experience, and I am honored to encourage you in your vulnerability and bravery.

How To Prepare

Please feel into what your intention is for your journey, as it is the powerful force which opens the ceremonial space prior to, and during the actual ceremony.

Please eat lightly on the day of ceremony, and refrain from eating at least 2-3 hours prior to ceremony.

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a journal and water bottle.

Schedule a Private Shamanic Breathwork Ceremony


What is Sacred Rage?

Rage and Anger are often discouraged from being expressed. In our society and in our upbringing (especially as women) it is discouraged to express our anger and it is so consuming that we learn to fear or suppress it.

When we honor our Anger or Rage as holy & sacred and allow it to be expressed in a safe and healthy way, this allows us to tap into the great wisdom and power that is underneath it. This can be vital for women's health and wellbeing as it can help to relieve depression and anxiety as well as a number of physical conditions including migraines, fatigue, liver conditions, digestive issues and more.

Through this sacred ceremonial space we can tap deeply into our internal mystery and connection with our bodies, ancestors and Mother Earth. Many of us carry the wounding and unprocessed anger or rage from our own lives, ancestral lineage, the collective feminine as well as Mother Earth. We will use the tools of breath, sound, drumming, shaking and movement to connect to our primal nature, our dark feminine essence and the root of our Rage as we allow it to move through us, alchemizing our deepest pain into power.

This Alchemical Sacred Ceremony is a very potent container for you to meet and step fully into your own fire and power as you develop a healthy relationship with your Anger and Rage. This is a RECLAMATION. One where you will feel empowered to develop healthy boundaries, finding the discernment between your true “Yes” and “No” with yourself and others. The benefits of releasing what has been carried for so long can bring great relief, feeling much lighter, making space to embrace life more fully, with more love, appreciation and fierce grace.

Schedule a Private Sacred Rage Session